The Avery Point Group provides functional expertise and executive search focus in the areas of Lean , Six Sigma, and Operational Excellence. As executive recruiters our practice services a wide spectrum of industry verticals, spanning manufacturing, distribution, private equity and transactionally focused service-based companies globally. We focus on $100K+ roles as follows:
According to a leading business magazine study, only 2% of plants have reached world-class manufacturing performance, with an additional 23% making significant progress toward this enviable status. The common theme found among these superior operations was a fully implemented and effective continuous improvement methodology.
Of the plants that have made little or no progress toward world-class performance, 53% reported having some level of continuous improvement effort already in place. The study very pointedly suggests that these improvement efforts might be suffering from half-hearted and unfocused efforts or worse yet, disinterested or incompetent leadership.
The overall findings of this study point to the fact that most operations could dramatically improve their performance by having the right leadership talent in place. Our focus is to help our clients find the right Lean and Six Sigma talent to maximize their continuous improvement / operational excellence efforts and help them achieve world-class performance.
Contact us today at +1 678-585-9804 to learn how The Avery Point Group can help your organization find the right Lean, Six Sigma and Operational Excellence transformation leadership talent.